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All our custom workwear, embroidered or printed is made of highly resistant fabric and material.

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Our Factory

We bring you the latest production technologies to ensure your safety and corporate image are preserved.

Production Capacity

We are able to produce more than 500 uniforms a day making sure your orders are delivered in a fast and efficient way.

Company History

One of the largest & most reputable groups in the CEMAC region.

High Quality Fabric

Our certified fabric is imported from different sources around the world to meet your needs.

We pride ourselves on offering the best quality and customization options to our clients to suit their needs and industries.

Fastest Delivery With Certified Raw Materials


The leading uniform manufacturer in the CEMAC market since 2005

Ficelle brings you customized uniform manufacturing, computerized embroidery, silkscreen and digital printing, promotional items and apparel, and overseas sourcing.


The leading uniform manufacturer in the CEMAC market since 2005

Ficelle brings you customized uniform manufacturing, computerized embroidery, silkscreen and digital printing, promotional items and apparel, and overseas sourcing.


High quality production for every industry

Ficelle’s factory is equipped with the latest technology to provide conformity

Our experts perform quality checkups on every produced uniform. You can always refer to the “Quality Check” stickers on our uniforms for reference.

Quality Check

We give quality our top priority.


Our production standards are constantly improving to satisfy all requirements.

Healthy Workplace

Committed to employee wellbeing and safe workplace.

COVID-19 Masks

We produced more than 300,000 masks, to support and protect our community.


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